

    2nd International Seminar on Tropical Aquatic Resources Science and Management

    “Indonesian mega-biodiversity of marine resources; what an amazing opportunity for research!”

    Manado-Indonesia, October 9, 2024 (12:30 PM - UTC+08:00)






    Indonesia, an archipelago consisting of more than 17,000 islands, is home to the richest marine biodiversity in the world. Located at the junction of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The country's waters hold an astonishing variety of marine life and resources, including more than 3,000 species of fish and 600 species of coral. This extraordinary diversity is the result of complex geological, ecological, and climatic factors, making Indonesian waters a unique laboratory for studying marine ecosystems. Researchers from around the world are drawn to this rich habitat and conduct research in an effort to understand the complex relationships between marine species and their environments.

    One important aspect of Indonesia's marine resources and biodiversity is its role as part of the World Coral Triangle, an area recognized globally for the diversity of its coral reefs and the many species that depend on this ecosystem. The Coral Triangle region supports nearly 30% of the world's coral reefs and an unrivaled diversity of marine biodiversity, including large predators such as sharks and tuna, as well as many small species. This area is not only important for marine conservation but also serves as an important resource for local communities, contributing to fisheries and tourism. The study of this biodiversity provides important insights into ecosystem resilience, adaptation, and the impacts of climate change, making it a rich area for research.




    Research in Indonesian marine waters is also important for understanding marine conservation challenges and developing sustainable management practices. Overfishing, pollution, and climate change pose significant threats to marine ecosystems, requiring urgent research and intervention. By studying the impact of human activities on marine biodiversity, researchers can identify key areas for conservation and restoration efforts. Unique programs and initiatives that focus on local community engagement not only help protect these resources but also enable researchers to collect valuable data on the socio-economic dimensions of marine conservation, combining ecological science with local livelihoods.

    Additionally, Indonesia's diverse marine environment, including coral reefs, mangrove forests, and seagrass beds, presents a variety of ecosystems to study. Each habitat supports different communities of marine organisms and provides different ecological services. This ecosystem interconnectivity creates a dynamic research environment in which scientists can explore questions surrounding biodiversity, productivity, and ecosystem function. By investigating how these ecosystems interact, researchers can better understand the consequences of environmental change and the importance of maintaining biodiversity not only for nature but also for human communities.

    As such, Indonesia's marine resources are a tremendous asset for global research, offering unparalleled opportunities to study biodiversity and ecosystem connectivity. The richness of marine species, coupled with the urgent need for conservation and sustainable practices, makes Indonesia a focal point for environmental science. With ongoing research and collaboration between local communities and scientists, Indonesia will not only preserve its natural wealth but also contribute valuable knowledge that can help overcome global marine challenges. Synergy between biodiversity research and conservation efforts is essential for the sustainability of marine resources, which provides benefits to nature and humanity.

    However, it is recognized that various challenges are encountered that can complicate research activities, because scientists must navigate the balance between conservation and sustainable use of marine resources. In addition, logistical difficulties in conducting research, coupled with limited funding and local capacity, can hinder the effective study and management of Indonesia's highly valuable marine ecosystems. As researchers seek to uncover the secrets of Indonesia's marine biodiversity, they face the urgent task of overcoming these challenges to ensure that the enormous potential of this ecosystem can be preserved for future generations.

    The matters mentioned above will be discussed in a webinar by international experts, in the topic of “Indonesian mega-biodiversity of marine resources: what an amazing opportunity for research!”, which aims to foster a deeper appreciation of Indonesia's marine resources and inspire collective action towards their conservation and sustainable use.




    Objectives of the webinar are:

    • To enhance understanding of Indonesia's status as one of the world's mega-biodiverse countries, particularly in marine ecosystems.
    • To identify and discuss the vast research opportunities stemming from Indonesia's unique marine biodiversity, including potential studies in ecology, conservation, and sustainable resource management.
    • To foster collaboration among researchers, conservationists, policymakers, and local communities to share knowledge, resources, and best practices for marine research and conservation.
    • To provide insights into capacity-building initiatives that support local researchers and institutions in conducting marine biodiversity research.
    • To create networking opportunities among participants to facilitate future collaborations and joint research projects in the field of marine biodiversity.





    Invited Speakers


    1. Prof. Dr. Charles R. Marshall – University of California, Berkeley, USA.
    2. Prof. Roberto Danovaro – Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy.
    3. Prof. Nico Michiels – University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany.
    4. Prof. Wolfgang Waegele – Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change, Germany.
    5. Sri Wahyono – National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia – Indonesia.






    Call for Papers


    Group of presentations will be conducted in a parallel session. Papers in field of study below are invited:

    • Marine Biology and Ecology
    • Marine Biodiversity and Taxonomy
    • Marine Conservation
    • Climate Change and Marine System
    • Marine Pollution
    • Marine Policy and Management
    • Marine Paleontology









    A book chapter (with ISBN in Bahasa Indonesia ) will be published from this event. Presenters are invited to submit their full papers (in Bahasa Indonesia).


    Disclaimer: The publication will be done if at least 5 full papers are accepted.









    • Sep 30, 2024: Final submission of papers
    • Oct 5, 2024: Announcement of accepted papers for presentation
    • Oct 9, 2024: Conducting the webinar
    • Oct 20, 2024: Final submission of full papers (in Bahasa Indonesia) for publication







    Participants who will attend the event are all interested lecturers, researchers, and students at Sam Ratulangi University (UNSRAT), and from other universities, both in the North Sulawesi Province, and at the national level as well. Participants from the government and the public are also invited. In addition, participants are invited to present their research results in a parallel session presentation.







    Organizers & Committee



    This webinar is organized by the UNSRAT through:

    • the Postgraduate Program (Pascasarjana), in collaboration with
    • the Research and Community Service Institute (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat).




    Steering Committee

    • Prof. D.Tech.Sc. Ir. Markus T. Lasut, M.Sc., IPU
    • Prof. Dr. Ir. Jefrey I. Kindangen, DEA
    • Prof. Dr. Ir. Johannes E.X. Rogi, M.Si
    • Dr.Eng. Ir. Steeva G. Rondonuwu, ST.M.Agr


    Organizing Committee

    Chair: Dr. Veibe Warouw, S.Pi.,M.Si

    Secretary: Dr. Indri S. Manembu, SIK.,M.Si


    • Dr. Ir. Natalie D.T. Rumampuk, M.Si
    • Dr. Ir. Jane M. Mamuaja, M.Sc
    • Prof. Golda J. Tulung, SS.,MA.,PhD
    • Dr. Isnawaty L. Wantasen, M.Hum
    • Stenly E. Jacobis, SE.,M.Si
    • Wieske Ratag, SE
    • Evane Pangkey
    • Priscilia Oping, SAP
    • Yulia Ngongoloy
    • Yulius Pongoh
    • Arke Lantang






    Program & Schedule


    The webinar will be held on Wednesday, October 9, 2024; 1.30-6.30 PM (UTC+08:00). Below is the schedule and program of the event:









    • Registered Participants: Free + Certificate
    • Presenters: Free + Certicate
    • Publication: IDR 500.000 (paid before the event)







    All participants and presenters are asked to register. This is important for the certificate awarding and presentation arrangements. To register < click here >

    To check the registered participants and presenters < click here >






    • Veibe Warouw (+62 852 5600-6888)
    • Shelovita Manembu (+62 813-4006-8281)
    • Markus T. Lasut (+62 852 9807-0889)




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    Prof. D.Tech.Sc. Ir. Markus T. Lasut, M.Sc

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